Soylent 101: Why You Should Be Drinking Soylent In College

As a college student, you know that eating healthy on campus is a challenge. And if you’re about to start your first semester, you might be experiencing some level of anxiety about how you’re going to feed yourself…

Word to the wise: drink Soylent!

Between back-to-back classes, marathon late-night study sessions, and hanging out with friends, it’s no secret you’re gonna have a lot on your plate. But Soylent (a complete, ready-to-drink meal in a bottle) can help ease the struggle when it comes to finding something to eat. Not only is it the most convenient and efficient way to get the nutrition your body needs, but at less than $3 per meal, you’ll forever question how you survived college without it. This collection of internet musings will show you what we mean.

Stock up!

OK, so you might be thinking, "What struggle? Isn’t that what a meal plan is for?" And we don’t blame you. Dining halls are amazing, and most of the time they are exactly the kind of glorious, no-rules free-for-all you’ve always dreamed of…

Power move.

Almost nothing says "college" like dessert for dinner! (Luckily, Soylent kinda feels the same way, just without the guilt and the stomach ache…)

But sometimes the cafeteria can be just as much a curse as it is a blessing. If you’re in college already, no doubt you’re familiar with this scenario:

Too real.

Unfortunately, sometimes the dining hall will leave you hanging. And since it can be easy to fall back on cheap and convenient (but less nutritious) options like fast food, pizza, or instant ramen, it’s times like these when Soylent comes in the most handy. Just ask Liza:


Speaking of roommates… did you know Soylent can actually make you a better one? We’ve all heard the horror stories about disorderly roommates from freshman year, but with no prep needed and no mess to leave behind, Soylent can help you avoid becoming "that guy". Seriously, your roommates will love you for it. (Unless your roommate is Nolan, in which case there’s not much you can do.)

You know you want some, Nolan!

They’ll also appreciate that Soylent doesn’t take up much storage space, key if you’re sharing a cramped dorm room. A few bottles will easily fit in a small dorm-sized fridge, and the rest you can stash away in your closet or under your bed (they’ll last unrefrigerated for the whole year). You can even subscribe and we’ll ship it to you periodically so you don’t have to store any more than you need at one time.

Start my subscription!

Another great reason to keep some Soylent on hand? Cooking in college can be an exercise in futility. Time constraints aside, dorm rooms aren’t exactly the most well-appointed spaces, and living in one is pretty much just one big giant game of "Will It Microwave?"

The walk of fame.

And to make your routine even easier, Soylent also comes in a line of caffeinated flavors called Soylent Cafe. With everything you need to curb your hunger and stay awake through class, just think of all the money you’ll save on extra snacks, coffee, and energy drinks. Your future self won’t be disappointed…


But before you get too bummed out over the hardships of student life, let’s not forget that college isn’t always just a struggle to get by (there’s a reason it’s not called "the worst four years of your life"). And depending on how you like to spend your free time, there’s a slightly lesser-known benefit that might be of interest to you…


This person definitely knows what we’re talking about!

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So there you go! A bunch of reasons why Soylent is perfect for all types of students, no matter what your goals are or what you hope to gain from your experience. You certainly don’t have to be a computer science major to enjoy all the benefits that Soylent has to offer (although we love it if you are.)


If you’re worried about maintaining a healthy diet while you’re on your own, or if you’re looking for ways to improve what you’re doing now, don’t sleep on Soylent. College is all about trying new things after all, so why not give it a try? You have plenty else to worry about, so take a few things off your plate and let Soylent help you focus on making your college experience the best it can be.